

Bible Translation Organizations (BTOs) facilitate Bible translation and sustainable literacy and language development programmes among small language groups in Nigeria and beyond, partnering with the entire body of Christ and others so as to fulfill the Great Commission by making God’s word available in their heart language (mother tongue).

IMTALD partner’s with churches, individual Christians and agencies within and outside the country to help the unreached language communities get God’s Word in the language they understand best.

Getting Involved

  • An individual may be involved by training on Bible Translation. An individual can also make financial donation towards the work.
  • A group can be involved by mobilizing financial and materials support for Bible Translation work.
  • The church could be involved by mobilizing Financial Support, and also enlightening their members on the need for Bible Translation into the local language as part of evangelism.
  • The community could be involved by providing the needed management team for the work and by mobilizing financial support through the team. It could also carry out enlightenment campaign on the need to develop the local language from going into extinction. Initiative on Mother Tongue and Literacy Development (IMTALD), as an organization has a mission.
get involved

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